The so-called energy conversion efficiency refers to the ratio of the available energy output by a device to its input energy. In the comparison of engines and power plants, the simplest understanding is how much kinetic energy can be converted into the same liter of gasoline. If the energy conversion efficiency is higher, the kinetic energy will be greater, and the moving distance of the transportation vehicle can be further.
According to a 2018 research telemarketing list report by the U.S. Energy Administration, the conversion efficiency of electric vehicles can reach 77% to 82%, but the energy conversion efficiency of fuel vehicles is only 12% to 30%, and the gap is far more than several times. If the electric vehicle is equipped with a kinetic energy recovery system, additional energy compensation can be provided, so that the overall conversion efficiency can reach more than 80%.
Returning to the comparison between Taiwan's fuel locomotives and electric locomotives, according to the energy consumption certification data of domestic locomotive models announced by the Energy Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs in May and June 2020, the highest energy efficiency test value of the recent domestic major car models is per liter of gasoline. It can travel up to 57.1 kilometers.