The average online shopping basket of an Apple user exceeds 290 euros We live in an era in which mobile devices have become essential allies for absolutely each and every one of the activities that we carry out in our day to day. According to usa phone list from the latest report "ICTs in Spanish homes" by the National Telecommunications and Information Society Observatory (ONTSI), the mobile phone is the device with the highest penetration in Spain, with 93.4%. We not only use mobile devices to stay in touch with our loved ones, but they have also become our camera, our source of information and our favorite tool for shopping. In fact, The study has analyzed the usa phone list cost of each user when making online purchases depending on the manufacturer of the device they use, concluding that users of Apple devices are the ones who spend the most when shopping on the Internet. The average online basket of an Apple user is €292.85, well above users of Sony devices, with an average expenditure of €269.8, and Asus, whose average basket is €265.3. When studying which users make the most online purchases, Samsung devices stand out, accounting for 40.9% of online purchases and spending an average of just over €236. This is due to the great market penetration of the Korean brand.
In second position are Apple users (26.5%), followed by Xiaomi users (9.45%) and Huawei (9.14%). In terms of operating systems used by online consumers, Android (77.7%) continues to stand out above iOS (22.3%). The most searched usa phone list continue usa phone list be smartphones and televisions, regardless of the device from which the search is made. Interestingly, Alcatel users are the only ones who seem to be interested in non-technological products as well, with their penchant for looking for fashion items especially noteworthy. "The type of device we use when making usa phone list purchases says a lot about us," says Adrián Amorín, Country Manager of idealo, who adds: "In this case, the cliché that says that Apple users usually have a greater purchasing power, since it is observed that they are the ones who spend the most when they buy products on the Internet.Mobile devices have become our main ally to buy what we need from wherever and whenever we want, being able to compare between the different offers on the market with easy to find the best price"
Marketers have lost sight of the fact that consumers are actually people and are thereby hindering what they do and why they do it. Tags marketing consumers problems mistakes read later favorites 0 adxs CEF - Digital Marketing Courses Digital Marketingusa phone list programmatic One of the words that is repeated recurrently when talking about marketing and the strategies that must be followed is that of consumers. After all, consumers are the ultimate goal of everything that is done. Brands and usa phone list want to connect with them, they need to position themselves better in the market to convince them of the capabilities and qualities of what they offer and they want to convert them into their consumers and retain them as such. Consumers are therefore the objective of those responsible for marketing and their main obsession. In fact, even the latest big news in marketing and its trends put the consumer in an even more central position.